"so I says to Mable..."

Don Squeaky

June 7, 2011

he's watching, always watching
After successfully moving our TV out of the dining table and onto a proper TV shelf thing, we decided the next step to make our flat a home was a pet. Now, since we really aren't the most responsible guys, and we don't really do much in the way of chores, theres an empty beer box in the fridge right now and it's anyone's guess how long it'll be there for, we had to get something low maintenance. 

My first thought was a cat, since they're pretty low maintenance, as in they'll use you as a B&B and scratch you if you try to pull of that whole, "I'm your owner and I want to pet you" noise. However, since some people can be allergic to cats, we decided that it probably isn't a good idea. So then we started thinking small, fish was one option but you have to clean tanks and they don't really feel like a pet as much as a decoration, so we eventually decided on a hamster. 

that's where he does his business
We bought our little hamster, I forgot what type he is, and named him Don Squeaky. We bought the hamster starter pack at the same time which is: cage, a bathroom, bathroom sand [didn't know they used sand], bedding, wheel, food, stone thing for his teeth, water bottle, and of course a hamster ball. It took Don Squeaky a while to get used to the place, a process which was marked by him making noises and running away from us like we were a really big cat or something, but eventually we kind of all settled in and got used to living with each other. It probably also helped that we hooked his house up. 

his house has two floors, that's pretty cool
Don Squeaky is actually pretty smart, when he wants us to take him out of the cage and run around he goes to his little observation ball [which is where we usually let him out of] and he'll begin to pound on the plastic, which I imagine is his way of saying "yo, let me out son", so that's cool. 

He also has a pretty funny habit of storing food in his cheeks and then setting up little food stashes everywhere. We suspect this is because we forgot to fill his bowl once so he knows better than to depend on us. Besides getting a kick out of him running around in the hamster ball like an American Gladiator, his house is another source of entertainment, and a place to throw money at. From the initial house we've added an observation tower and recently, a labyrinth, all pretty cool things. We keep saying that we're going to have his tube things run all along the house, but we realized that this will mean having to disassemble, clean, and re-assemble said pipes so not sure this will actually happen. 

So far Don Squeaky has been a pretty good flatmate. He doesn't complain about the noise, stays up late, and is generally as clean as we are [not sure if this is a compliment to him or a put down on myself], now if we can just get him to pay some rent we'd be golden.