"so I says to Mable..."

MG Musha Gundam Mk-II

November 18, 2010

I recently finished building this MG Musha Gundam Mk-II. Not being a follower of the gundam canon I have no idea what the backstory of the gundam is, because even though the instruction booklet comes with an explanation, I don't read Japanese [yet].

However, a quick search on the gundam wiki [whose existence isn't that surprising] informed me that the Mk-II is the Dynasty Warriors Gundam game variation of the regular Musha Gundam. Fascinating stuff.

Box Art
Box Cover

I picked up this model at the "Gundam Roadshow" after I saw a version of it on display. The model on display had some cool looking kimono stickers thing, which I noticed wasn't pictured on the box. I figured I'd ask one of the salespeople there about this and would buy it if it came with the stickers.
Japanese Pattern Motif Stickers

The build was pretty straightforward, nothing too complicated. The one quirk in this model is that it came with some sor of rope, laces thing that is used to model hoses. I was really worried I would cut some section too short or too long and then screw the whole thing up, but luckily it all worked out well. Another thing that made this model pretty fast is that the plastic is all dark colored which meant that I could skip the lining. I tried to pose the model in a Samurai Jack inspired katana sheathing but posing these things is extremely difficult because of all the moving parts.
constructed model
Constructed Model

I put off adding the stickers for a while because I thought they were decals and those are generally a plan. However, once I realized they were just stickers I cleared up an evening and got to it. I think I spent at least three hours adding the stickers. It took a while because I had to remove parts [carefully] and often I would be unhappy with the orientation of a sticker so I redid parts. I realized that while the stickers gave me some flexibility with redoing parts, it also meant that there would be obvious overlaps that kind of still bother me.
leg closeup
You Can See the Overlap

Regardless of that I think he's happy in his new home on my desk.
Finished Model
New Cubicle Decoration


Unknown said...

I'm not sure about your preference. For mine, I usually "double-space" before and after each picture to make the text before and after them look "breathable", and also align them in the center. Looks like we're on the same page about text alignment though - I can't stand it if each line in the paragraph has a different length (like what happens to this comment, sighs).

All in all, good to read what you "write" - I think it's been a while. You have my support to keep it growing.

GSC Cannabis Lab said...

are you ready to up your nerd game?

Zeina said...

Looks great! I don't even know what overlap you're talking about. I looked hard, for like, a full minute.

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