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Well this model took me longer to complete than any of the others so far, mostly because I took a big Europe break in between construction but also because of the number of decals that this model has. The
MS-06J Zaku II is a variation of the wider MS-06 Zaku II line which apparently is one of the most enduringly popular mecha designs in anime history.
The model is another 30th anniversary model like my RX-78-2. So far the only special feature I can see in these 30th anniversary models is more articulate hands, which end up being annoying to assemble. The Zaku also has some unique build features, mostly around the hoses, which are made from springs and plastic rings. The assembly of these was pretty unique while not being overly difficult.
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Like I've said before, I haven't really seen any of the Gundam anime or manga so I'm not too sure about the storyline but I think the Zaku is one of the bad guys, although I could be wrong. The only reason I bring this "bad guy" possible fact up is because with the other models I would end up with one or two cuts from the detailing, however, with this model I cut myself at least four times, and while it could be due to me being clumsy I'd like to think it's because this model is evil.
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The number of decals on this model was bordering on ridiculous and all it did was help me realize that I need to find out some way to make sure I apply them straight because I'm sure one or two are crooked, which bothers me. Also, there are a number of decals that you can't see in it's final assembled form. There is one radioactive sign decal that you can only see if you separate the top and bottom halves of the model, seriously, it's there.
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Zaku looks a lot more different than the other models I've assembled. It might be due to the fact that the head isn't square and there are a lot more curves but it might have some storyline explanation so who knows.