"so I says to Mable..."

MG XXXG-01D2 Deathscythe Hell

May 31, 2011

Picture from the Gundam Wikia
I've had a pretty long hiatus from Gundam assembling so this month I picked up two different models, the XXXG-01D2 Deathscythe Hell is the first of the two that I decided to build. I picked this one up from looks alone, because I mean the whole demon-wings thing looks pretty intimidating right?

This model is from the "Endless Waltz"anime from 1997, that's all I really know about it but apparently it is "both a sequel and prequel to the Gundam Wing series"whatever that means. Seriously though, at some point I'll actually watch these things.
he has a really small head for some reason 
Of the two I bought I decided to build this one first because it's mostly dark which means I can mess up on the cutting and and it won't be too noticeable. Also, I usually don't do much lining on darker models since you can't tell, so this one was a nice model to build to get me back on the proverbial horse.

nothing says profesional like a bunch of toys on your desk
Although I wanted an easier model to help me get my groove back, I'm a bit let down by the Deathscythe. It has very little movement compared to the others, the hands don't move independently instead you select one of three separate hands and snap it on, and there's only one real weapon for it, compared to the four or five that come with the other models. Still, the Deathscythe got it's revenge and drew blood from me, so there's that.

there should be a bunch of decals there, but there isn't
Although the build was mediocre I still think the finished product looks nice, although I messed up some of the decals and so I didn't add them to the wings.